One of the highlights of Berlin being blessed with access to water, is Rummelsburger Bucht – a bay where one can find boats inhabited by alternatively living folks, ‘Pirates of Berlin’ as my imagination wants to picture it. Floating community of free spirits, alternatively living, looking-for-substitutes-of-pricey-rent dreamers. It is not without a sort of anContinue reading “The pirates of Berlin”
Category Archives: Allgemein
Reclaiming Spree!
Reclaim Spree! with Flussbad Berlin e.V. Swimming along city’s river, quick bath for refreshment during hot summer day – could have been the simplest and most obvious idea. Not in Berlin! The entire Spree river in the territory of the city belongs to waterways and can be exclusively used by ships, motorboats. Additionally, as theContinue reading “Reclaiming Spree!”
BVG takes you on the boat with PAULE III
There is no other city in Germany that proposes a ride on a boat as a part of the public transport system. Berlin does! Among 6 boat lines there is F24 – a rowing boat operating each summer season weekend between Rahnsdorf Kruggasse-Müggelheim Spreewiesen. Paule III – the boat named after it’s operator Paul Rahn1Continue reading “BVG takes you on the boat with PAULE III”